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Beyer's Bees honey is available at the following retailers in Central Iowa.  It is important to note that the retailers do not offer our honey products via mail order.   If you are interested in ordering our honey products and having them shipped, please reach out to Jamie on the Contact page of our website. 


If after reviewing our About Our Products page you have specific packaging that you would prefer, contact Jamie via the Contact page, and Jamie will work with the retailer and deliver the packaging you prefer.  


Utilize the Google Map button to customize directions to the retailer based on your location, or when you select directions on the Google map below, you can customize your location.  The hyperlink will take you to Google Maps, and in the Your Location field, replace the existing location with your current location.  

Where to buy Beyer's Bees honey products

Brekkes 4.2023.jpg
Brekke's Town and Country

Address:   23827 580th Ave., Ames, IA  50010


Phone:     (515) 232-7906



The Filling Station
Filling Station HOney Products.jpg
Filling Station​

Address: 2400 University Ave., Ames, IA  50010 


Phone:    (515) 292-6769



Iowa Arboretum
Arboretum pic Heather with honey.jpg
Iowa Arboretum​

Address: 1875 Peach Ave, Madrid, IA  50156


Phone:    (515) 795-3216



Red Granite Farm
Red Granite Farm.jpeg
Red Granite Farm

Address:   2013 130th St., Boone, IA  50036


Phone:     (515) 432-5966



Woodsmith Store
Woodsmith Store

Address: 10320 Hickman Rd., Clive, IA  50325 


Phone:    (515) 254-9494



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